IMAGENERIA Dedicated the 3D-Printable NFT Limited Collection of the Guinness Record American Flag to the 4th of July

The technology company IMAGENERIA which pioneers digital delivery of physical goods, presented a limited number of 3D-printable NFTs of the Guinness World Record Flag, created using digital manufacturing technologies. The digitally designed and 3D-printed flag is not only the largest American Flag ever made on 3D printers; it is the largest digitally manufactured flag in the world and the only one among the 3D-printed flags that behaves and looks like traditional fabric flags.

The Flag 3Dprintable NFTs, available on the IMAGENERIA platform, contain the ready-to-be-3D-printed files, which can be used to create a physical replica of the famous Guinness World Record flag or even to establish a new record.

This Guinness World Record was set by award-winning digital 3D printed fashion technology innovator Julia Daviy and Co-Founder of New Age Lab Daviy Vitaliy in 2020. In November 2021, IMAGENERIA adapted this 3D-printable flag to use in the digital world on Web 3.0. platforms and minted its first 3D-printable NFT.

Now the Flag digitally-manufacturable assets as the other digitally-manufacturable products could be authenticated, protected, and preserved for years and even for future generations at IMAGENERIA.

IMAGENERIA builds solutions for seamless connection of Web 3.0. and the real world and allows, in particular, to turn digital consumer products into physical ones through a technology mix including distributed additive manufacturing and blockchain.

3d printable nft3d-printable digital assetsDigital deliveryImageneriaNft for real world